Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Subaru to reveal Hybrid Tourer Concept at 2009 Tokyo Motor Show

1. Concept

Subaru has condensed its DNA, developed over many years around the Subaru's core technology of "Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive (AWD)" and "Horizontally-Opposed Boxer Engine", into the integration of a luxurious and high-quality cabin atmosphere and an eye-catching sculpted body. The concept car features Subaru's latest evolutions in handling agility, riding comfort and superior safety performance. It proposes Subaru's vision of a future grand touring car that excels in environmental friendliness thanks to Subaru's unique hybrid system.

2. Design and packaging

(1) Exterior
Subaru imagined wings with a feeling of freedom and confidence for driving far and wide in any environment. A luxurious and comfortable cabin, and advanced driving performance are contained within a sculpted aerodynamic form. The design features a combination of bright, open glass areas with a solid, reliable body.

(2) Interior
The original point of the ideal grand touring car is its interior design, featuring four independent and comfortably positioned seats. Passengers are enclosed within an atmosphere that provides a surpassing feeling of openness and stress-free reassurance, through the further pursuit of a human-centered philosophy, the essence of Subaru car design, and the incorporation of functions that are friendly to passengers.
The top of the dashboard is movable up and down to provide an optimal driving environment for the driver according to driving conditions.
A flat floor in the rear seat was achieved even with the implementation of AWD, for improved use and movement inside the cabin.
Specialized shielding is incorporated in the windshield to reduce eyestrain on the driver.
New leather covering developed with superior breathability and a ventilation function is used in the seats for improved comfort and texture.

3. Mechanisms

In addition to refinements to Subaru's core technology such as Symmetrical AWD and Horizontally-Opposed Boxer Engine, further enhancements were made for improved environmental friendliness, driving performance and high safety performance by offering a next-generation power unit system and advanced safety technologies.
(1) Next-generation power unit system
2.0-liter Horizontally-Opposed direct fuel-injection turbo gasoline engine
The Horizontally-Opposed turbo gasoline engine, with a reputation for powerful acceleration, is combined with a direct fuel-injection system for improvements in fuel efficiency and reduced emissions, and improved torque and response in practical range. This evolution in Subaru turbo technology excels in both environmental friendliness and engine performance.

Lineartronic (CVT)
Lineartronic, Subaru's new generation automatic transmission, achieves further improvements in both fuel efficiency and driving performance by reinforcing parts for use with the high-power output of a turbo engine.

Hybrid system
To further enhance the appeal of the Symmetrical AWD system, this unique hybrid two-motor system features a power/drive motor in the front and a drive motor in the rear.
  • At start-up and extremely low speeds when fuel efficiency is low, such as when driving the car into a garage, the rear motor is used primarily to allow driving without utilizing the power of the engine.
  • During normal driving, the front engine is primarily used. The direct fuel-injection turbo gasoline mated with the Symmetrical AWD offers a whole new, Subaru driving experience.
  • During acceleration, the rear motor assists the driving power of the engine to achieve advanced driving performance.
  • Further, when accelerating uphill, the front motor, which is normally used as a power generator, assists to drive the front axle for improved performance.
  • The implementation of a non-idling function that stops the engine when the car comes to a halt reduces unnecessary fuel consumption.
  • The use of a high-performance lithium battery is based on experience and know-how achieved with the Subaru Plug-in STELLA electric vehicle, launched this summer. This includes the use of a precise energy management system and regenerative brake controls, for improvements in excellent fuel efficiency.

Major specifications
Length x Width x Height: 4,630 x 1,890 x 1,420mm
Engine type: 2.0-liter Horizontally-Opposed direct fuel-injection turbo
gasoline engine
Max output of Motor: 10kW (Front) / 20kW (Rear)
Transmission type: Lineartronic
Drive train: Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive with 2 motors assist
Battery type: Lithium-ion battery

Source: Subaru

Honda Insight by KenStyle

Owning a Hybrid car does not necessary means that you are not also interested in Style and Design. After all we all want to save the earth and give to our children a “bright” future, but we would prefer doing so in a “Nice Ride”… And this is exactly what KenStyle is offering for the Honda Insight with their ZE2 Aero Kit.

Sold either in a full “Kit” or either in “part”, KenStyle has definitively thought about everything and ready to get what you need.

Interested? Just contact KenStyle in Japan for more information.

Source: Nihon Car

Honda to display EV-N concept and near-production CR-Z Concept 2009 at Tokyo Motor Show (第41回東京モーターショー Hondaブース展示概要について)

Honda Motor Co., Ltd. has announced its lineup of production and concept-model automobiles, motorcycles, power products and other highlights for its display at the 41st Tokyo Motor Show 2009. Organized by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, the event will take place at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan, from October 24 to November 4.

Covering the largest floor area of any single brand at the show, Honda booth combines automobiles, motorcycles, power products and other highlights to present the distinctive world of Honda mobility. Driven by dreams and passion, and with the booth concept of "Creating the never before!" Honda strived to propose attractive products that please and amaze its customers.

Honda's automobile exhibit will present a variety of environmentally responsible approaches to mobility, including hybrid vehicles, a fuel cell electric vehicle and a battery electric vehicle. The display will also highlight models with innovative packaging and enhanced driving performance that communicate the enjoyment an automobile can provide.

With the motorcycle display, Honda proposes products which are filled with creativity and dreams and create new value to further broaden the potential of motorcycles. The motorcycles on display range from large-displacement sports bikes that offer new riding pleasure to compact commuter models powered by electricity.

Also on display are butane gas canister-powered power products, as well as a new personal mobility device which was developed based on the concept of "harmony with people."

The special display zone named "HELLO!" (Honda Electric mobility Loop) will feature a comprehensive display of electricity-based products, including products that supply electricity, vehicles that run on electricity and products with innovative electronic technologies.

Outline of the exhibition at the Honda booth

The HELLO! (Honda Electric mobility Loop) Zone will provide a comprehensive display of Honda's electromotive technologies, including automobiles, motorcycles, power products, and more - everything from products that supply electricity to products that incorporate electronic technologies. By linking solar panels that supply electricity with battery electric vehicles that emit zero CO2 in use, Honda envisions the low-carbon society of the near future. In addition, each HELLO! vehicle features interactive communication technologies that showcase the fun ways in which mobility devices can interact with people and society. On display will be the FCX CLARITY, a fuel cell electric vehicle that runs on the electricity it produces from hydrogen; the EV-N battery electric vehicle; the EV-Cub electric motorcycle; the EV-MONPAL electric personal mobility device; the new U3-X, a one-wheel personal mobility device that uses balance control technology that was developed through the ASIMO bipedal humanoid robot; and LOOP, a portable communication tool that allows people and mobility devices to communicate with each other.

Automobile display
The automobile display will focus on hybrid vehicles, which Honda believes offer one of the most practical means of addressing environmental concerns at the present time. Joining the Insight, which has been very well received since its release in Japan in February 2009, will be the CR-Z Concept 2009, a hybrid with a new sense and feel, making its world premiere, and the SKYDECK, an innovative six-passenger, multi-purpose hybrid vehicle. Other models on display are the all-new STEP WGN and STEP WGN SPADA (both scheduled for introduction in Japan in October 2009), which feature innovative packaging to expand the joy of using automobiles, and the all-new CIVIC TYPE R EURO (scheduled for introduction in Japan in November 2009), which captures the joy of driving, discovered and refined on European roads.

Text in Japanese


 今回は、出展各社のなかで単独ブランドとしては最大面積となるブースに、四輪車と二輪車、汎用製品等を合同で展示し、Hondaならではのモビリティの 世界を創出する。ブースコンセプトは“ないものをつくれ。”とし、「夢」や「熱い想い」を原動力に、お客様の笑顔や驚きにつながるような魅力的な製品を提 案することを目指した。四輪車では、ハイブリッド車を中心に、燃料電池電気自動車・電気自動車等の環境に対する様々なアプローチを紹介。また、革新的な パッケージングを持つモデルや、動力性能を磨きあげた走りのモデルも紹介し、クルマが持つ「使う楽しさ」「乗る楽しさ」を提案する。二輪車では、その持つ 可能性をさらに広げていくための、独創性と夢があふれる新価値商品を提案。新たな操る楽しさを提案する大型スポーツモデルから、電動コミューターモデルま で、多彩なラインアップを紹介する。また、汎用のガスパワー製品や、人との調和をコンセプトにした新たなパーソナルモビリティも展示する。さらに、電気を 供給する製品から電動化技術を用いた製品までを総合的に表現するためのゾーンを設け、“HELLO!(Honda Electric mobility Loop)”と名づけ、紹介する。

 Hondaの持つ四輪車・二輪車・汎用製品・その他、電気を供給する製品から電動化技術を用いた製品までを総合的に表現するためのゾーンを設け、“HELLO!(Honda Electric mobility Loop)”と名づけ、紹介する。走行時におけるCO2の 排出がゼロとなる電気自動車と、電気を供給する太陽電池をリンクさせ、近未来の低炭素社会を表現。また、各モデルに双方向のコミュニケーション機能を持た せることで、モビリティが人と社会と、より楽しくつながっていく姿を表現している。展示モデルは、水素を燃料として電気を発生させて走る燃料電池電気自動 車「FCXクラリティ」と、電気自動車「EV-N」、電動二輪車「EV-Cub」、電動パーソナルモビリティ「EV-MONPAL」、自律二足歩行ロボッ ト「ASIMO」のバランス制御技術を活かした一輪モビリティ「U3-X」で、これらを携帯端末機「LOOP」を用いて人とモビリティがコミュニケーショ ンする世界をつくり出している。

 四輪車は、Hondaが現在最も有効な環境対応の手段のひとつと考えているハイブリッド車をメインとして、今年2月の発売以来好評を頂いている「インサ イト」をはじめ、ワールドプレミアとなる新感覚ハイブリッドモデル「CR-Z CONCEPT 2009」、6人乗りのマルチパーパス・ハイブリッドモデル「SKYDECK(スカイデッキ)」を展示。さらに、クルマを“使う喜び”を広げる革新的な パッケージング技術を備えた新型「ステップワゴン」「ステップワゴン スパーダ」(10月発売予定)や、“操る喜び”を欧州で磨きあげた新型「シビック TYPE R ユーロ」(11月発売予定)もそれぞれ展示し、クルマを使う楽しさ、クルマに乗る楽しさを提案する。

 二輪車は、独自の可能性にチャレンジすることで、独創性と夢があふれる新価値商品を提案。ワールドプレミアとなる「CB1100」は、空冷4気筒エンジ ンにこだわり、歴代の“CB”が持つ普遍的な美しさや乗り味を追求。また、ジャパンプレミアとなるスポーツツアラー「VFR1200F」は先進の技術とス タイリングを追求するとともに、操る楽しさを提案している。なお「VFR1200F」では、二輪車として世界初の デュアル クラッチ トランスミッションを搭載したモデルも展示する。さらに、環境対応の先進モデルとして、アイドリングストップ機構を搭載し、高い燃費性能を実現したグロー バルスクーター「PCX」や、電動ならではのクリーン性能とタフネス性を両立したスクーター「EVE-neo(イーブ・ネオ)」等を展示する。
※ Honda調べ

 汎用製品・その他の製品の展示としては、新開発のガスパワー発電機「エネポ」や発売以来好評を頂いているガスパワー耕うん機「ピアンタ」、また自律二足 歩行ロボット「ASIMO」の協調制御技術を活かした歩行アシストシステムの「リズム歩行アシスト」「体重支持型歩行アシスト」を紹介する。


Source: Honda

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mazda global premiere of Eco-Friendly and powerful next-gen ‘SKY-G’ and ‘SKY-D’ engines, and Sky-Drive automatic transmission at Tokyo Motor Show 2009

Mazda Motor Corporation will showcase the world premiere of its next-generation engine line-up and automatic transmissions at the 41st Tokyo Motor Show, to be held from Saturday, October 24 through to Wednesday, November 4, 2009. Mazda will exhibit the ‘Mazda SKY-G’ direct-injection petrol engine, the ‘Mazda SKY-D’ clean diesel engine and the ‘Mazda SKY Drive’ high-efficiency automatic transmission. The Tokyo Motor Show, to be held at Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture, will also mark the Japan debut of the Kiyora concept car as an exhibit of Mazda’s next-generation environmental and safety technologies.

Mazda’s theme for the 2009 Tokyo Motor Show is “The Mazda SKY concept – Providing driving pleasure and environmental and safety features for all customers!” Under the headings of “Today,” “Tomorrow” and “The Future,” Mazda will display advanced technologies designed to improve the average fuel economy of Mazda vehicles sold globally by 30 percent before 2015 compared to 2008 levels. This is one of the goals of Mazda’s long-term vision for technology development, Sustainable Zoom-Zoom.

Mazda is committed to significantly improving the core aspects of its vehicles that affect performance – engines, transmissions, and lighter vehicle weight – in order to achieve elevated driving pleasure together with outstanding environmental and safety features. The Mazda SKY concept defines Mazda’s approach to developing next-generation powertrains that will significantly improve the eco-friendliness and dynamic performance of all Mazda vehicles. The SKY concept embodies Mazda’s desire to ensure an “everlasting blue sky” under which drivers will always be able to enjoy the pleasure of driving afforded by owning a Mazda. The concept also reflects the “sky’s the limit” aspirations of Mazda’s engineers as they employ unconventional thinking to achieve optimal performance in every vehicle that bears the Mazda nameplate.

Based on the SKY concept, Mazda’s “Technologies for Tomorrow” display at this year’s Tokyo Motor Show will include the next-generation direct-injection petrol Mazda SKY-G engine and the Mazda SKY-D clean diesel engine. Both offer improved eco-friendliness and torque thanks to optimised combustion efficiency. Mazda will also reveal its first next-generation automatic transmission, the Mazda SKY-Drive, which offers first-rate fuel economy and a direct driving performance feel.

The Mazda Kiyora, a next-generation compact concept car imbued with Mazda’s fun-to-drive character, will make its Japanese debut at the Tokyo show. Featuring the next-generation Mazda SKY concept powertrain technologies and comprehensive advancements in weight reduction, the Kiyora achieves outstanding fuel economy, estimated to be 3.1 l/100 km (under Japan’s 10-15 mode test cycle).

Alongside the SKY concept exhibits, Mazda will also feature a “Today’s Technologies” exhibit that includes i-stop, a unique idling stop system that was introduced with the all-new Mazda3 (Axela in Japan). “Future Technologies” will showcase the advanced Mazda Premacy Hydrogen RE Hybrid, with its hydrogen-powered rotary engine, and various vehicle technologies under development as part of Mazda’s drive to realise an accident-free and safe motorised society.

The 41st Tokyo Motor Show press days will be October 21-22, with a special invitation day on October 23. The show will be open to the public from Saturday, October 24 through to Wednesday, November 4. Mazda will hold its press conference at 12:30 p.m. (JST) on Wednesday, October 21, 2009.

Source: Mazda

Monday, September 28, 2009

Toyota Prius tuning by Tommy Kaira and ASI

Eco-friendly cars are the talk of the town for the moment. Every manufacturer is either producing one or planning to. Toyota is an acknowledged leader in the field with its Prius hybrid as well as others. Few respected tuners have embraced the green thing so far, unless they are based in Japan where it almost seems the government has a decree forcing tuners to work on "green" cars as well.

How else do you explain the flurry of activity coming from enviro-friendly garages around the country? This Prius done by Tommi Kaira is but one of these. It features low front lips, big front air dams shaped like those of an Audi R8, thick rims, wide side skirts and a new rear bumper. The Prius logo is missing, as is the discretion normally linked to the car. Most striking though are the four tailpipes which do not in any way suggest "green". In fact they have the opposite effect on the eye.

Cars like the GT-R or the Impreza STI are well-suited for power and body upgrades. They are expected to pollute the eardrum along with the planet, and their fans love them for it. Prius and Honda Insight are quite different simply because of the statement they make.

There certainly is a future in eco-tuning (new word for you) but no one is quite sure what it looks like. That's perhaps why cars like this one could be discarded in current tuning circles. One such tuner is Ben Schaffer, owner of Bespoke Ventures. His company is a major American/international parts distributor and marketer for top Japanese tuning brands (KenStyle, Top Secret). Schaffer's view is that eco is good yes, but it has no place in the world of powerhouses like the R35 GT-R. Moderation is the key instead of jumping on the bandwagon. He reminds his fellow competitors/colleagues not to lose sight of their core business and enthusiasm which is sports cars.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Toyota unveils Auris HSD full hybrid concept

The new Auris HSD Full Hybrid Concept, presented publicly for the first time at the Frankfurt motor show, marks a significant milestone in Toyota’s plan to equip its mainstream European models with full hybrid technology. Toyota is committed to making the environmental benefits of its Hybrid Synergy Drive (HSD) accessible to a wider customer base and it is on track to offer a hybrid version of every model in its range by the early 2020s.

A five door hatchback is the best selling type of car in Europe and consequently the installation of HSD in Auris is the logical first step in deploying full hybrid technology across Toyota’s entire European model line-up.

By introducing the Auris HSD Full Hybrid Concept, Toyota also aims to shift customer perceptions of hybrid technology. The obvious advantages are exceptional fuel efficiency and low CO2 emissions, but customers will also experience smooth and sophisticated driving unlike any other family hatchback, thanks to the everyday usability, comfort and quietness of the Toyota full hybrid powertrain.

The Auris HSD Full Hybrid will be built by Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK (TMUK) at the Burnaston factory, near Derby, with sales scheduled to start during the second half of 2010.

The news that Europe’s first hybrid production model will be built in the UK has been welcomed by the British Government. Business Secretary Lord Mandelson said: "I'm delighted Toyota has chosen the UK to build its first hybrid vehicle in Europe. When I visited the Burnaston plant in July, I saw for myself the energy and commitment of Toyota and its workers. The unveiling of the new car at the Frankfurt Motor Show brings the vision of making the UK the best place in the world to develop low carbon vehicles a step closer. I look forward to seeing the cars roll off the line next year."

Exterior design

The design of the Auris HSD Full Hybrid Concept reflects the installation of a full hybrid powertrain in a mainstream package. Subtle changes have been made to Auris’s styling to improve aerodynamic efficiency and blue hybrid badging identifies the car as a member of Toyota’s full hybrid fleet.

The front end is designed to optimise airflow and so help maximise fuel efficiency. The front and rear bumper corners have flat surfaces, a feature that not only accentuates the car’s wide and solid stance, but also smoothes the flow of air over the vehicle’s flanks, minimising turbulence and drag.

The ride height is lower by 20mm compared to the conventional Auris, and underbody panels and a rear diffuser have been fitted to smooth and control airflow beneath the car. The bespoke 18-inch alloy wheels are designed to cut air turbulence in the wheel arches and are shod with low rolling resistance tyres. A larger, more efficient rear spoiler is also fitted. These aerodynamic elements target a drag coefficient of 0.28.

Interior design

The cabin has a number of special features that are linked to the car’s full hybrid status.

The seats and upper dashboard are finished in blue Gaucholino leather with light blue accent stitching. To complement the exterior body colour, the centre console and side air vents have a tactile, pearl white finish.

The instrument cluster has hybrid blue illumination, with a design that combines high technology with easy-to-read displays. Alloy pedals reinforce the performance dimension of HSD technology and the steering wheel has a flat bottom section for easy driver access and better legroom.

Sequenced entry and exit lighting is provided, including puddle lights integrated in the door mirrors and ambient illumination of the footwells and headlining. Thick carpeting raises the on-board comfort and refinement levels and also contributes to a marked improvement in cabin quietness.

Refined driving experience

Using the same powertrain as the latest generation Prius, the Auris HSD Full Hybrid Concept is the first mainstream model in Europe to benefit from Toyota’s refined, smooth and quiet Hybrid Synergy Drive.

The car will accelerate from nought to 62mph in around 10 seconds, while returning class-leading combined cycle fuel economy and sub-100g/km CO2 emissions. It offers four driving modes, three of which can be selected on-demand by the driver: ECO mode maximises hybrid system efficiency and fuel economy; Power mode boosts performance; and EV mode – a feature only available with a full hybrid system – allows for ultra-quiet running on electric motor power alone for up to 1.25 miles (2km) at speeds up to 31mph, with zero fuel consumption and zero CO2 and particulates (PM) emissions.

Building on the inherent quietness of HSD, particular attention has been paid to further NVH reduction measures to achieve a calm, quiet cabin environment at all speeds. Road and engine noise have been suppressed by comprehensive use of soundproofing materials, and full thickness glazing and an acoustic windscreen reduce wind noise at cruising speeds.

Environmentally efficient technology

Using technology that was first brought to the market in the latest generation Prius, the Auris HSD Full Hybrid Concept marks a further development of solar powered ventilation, with solar panels covering the entire roof.

Similar technology is used inside the cabin, with solar panels on top of the dashboard that generate sufficient energy to recharge mobile phones or portable music plays mounted in purpose-designed charging trays. In the future, Toyota aims to advance this technology to provide solar powered recharging of the hybrid battery.

Further energy-saving measures include the use of LED technology for the front and rear lights.

Outline technical specifications


Displacement (cc)


Max. power (bhp)


Acceleration 0-62mph (sec)

~10 (target)



Permanent magnet synchronous motor



Electronically controlled continuously variable transmission



Nickel-metal hydride


CO2 (g/km)



Overall length (mm)


Overall width (mm)


Overall height (mm)


Wheelbase (mm)


Source: Toyota GB

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Honda to introduce Freed hybrid in 2011

According to a report by Japan’s Nikkei business daily, Honda will introduce a hybrid version of its Freed minivan in 2011. Honda’s new president Takanobu Ito also told Nikkei that Honda will introduce a battery electric vehicle by 2015.

“The company intends to add a variety of hybrid models in the near future, including the CR-Z, a sporty hybrid, in February and a hybrid version of its Fit subcompact by the end of 2010,” said Takanobu. “For the hybrid minivan expected as early as 2011, the company plans to launch a hybrid version of its mainstay Freed.”

The Honda Freed minivan, sold only in Japan, is based on the same platform as the Fit.

No word on whether the Freed hybrid will make it over to the U.S. but we wouldn’t get our hopes up.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Toyota to reveal Auris Hybrid and Prius Plug-in Hybrid concepts at IAA 2009

The Toyota Auris HSD Full Hybrid Concept will take centre stage for Toyota at the 2009 Frankfurt Motor show.

The concept represents a milestone in Toyota’s strategy: introducing Toyota’s full hybrid technology to a mainstream model, and the first step in the deployment of Hybrid Synergy Drive across the company’s model range.

The new Prius Plug-in Hybrid Concept will also make its world premiere in Frankfurt. Prius Plug-in Hybrid expands the capabilities of Toyota’s full hybrid technology, enabling pure electric operation for short-range day-to-day transportation. In early 2010, an extensive field trial in Europe will see over 150 units being leased to selected fleet customers.

Frankfurt will also stage the European Premiere of the iconic, all-new Toyota Land Cruiser, which will go on sale in the fourth quarter of 2009.

Two customised iQ show cars, iQ for Sports and iQ Collection, will also be on display.

Source: Toyota GB

World premiere of Lexus LF-Ch at the 2009 Frankfurt Motor Show

Lexus will unveil the LF-Ch full hybrid premium compact concept at the forthcoming 2009 Frankfurt Motor Show. It is joined on the Lexus stand by the world debut of the updated LS model range and revised versions of GS, IS and IS F.

Lexus LF-Ch

  • Premium compact concept with Lexus Hybrid Drive
  • Practical 5-door body, meeting the core needs of customers in the premium compact market

Reinforcing Lexus’ position as the only manufacturer to offer a range of hybrid vehicles, the LF-Ch concept will make its world premiere the 2009 Frankfurt Motor Show.

LF-Ch combines stylish design and full hybrid technology in a practical 5-door compact package to fulfil the needs of the most demanding premium compact segment customers.

Benefiting from an electric-only driving capability, a key feature of Lexus Hybrid Drive, LF-Ch will allow for virtually silent urban driving with zero emissions.

Detailed information and images of the Lexus LF-Ch will be released on 10 September 2009.

Source: Lexus GB