Sunday, April 5, 2009

New Japan-market 'Prius' gets world's best fuel efficiency (トヨタ自動車、新型プリウスが世界トップ*1となる燃費性能38.0km/L*2を実現)

TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (TMC) announces that the Japanese-market version its third-generation ''Prius'' gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle has achieved the best fuel efficiency in the world1 for a mass-produced vehicle, as measured using the 10-15 test cycle of the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). The achievement represents part of TMC's numerous and ongoing efforts to improve fuel efficiency through advanced vehicle development.

The new Prius, scheduled for launch in Japan in mid-May, has a fuel efficiency of 38.0km/l (CO2 emissions: 61g/km), thus exceeding by more than 25% the mandatory level required under the 2010 national standards. Also, under MLIT's newer JC08 test cycle, the vehicle has a fuel efficiency of 32.6km/l (CO2 emissions: 71g/km), thereby already meeting the 2015 national standards.

ions of both nitrogen oxides and non-methane hydrocarbons have also been reduced in the new Prius, with levels 75% lower than the 2005 standards under the MLIT's approval system for low-emission vehicles, which is currently the strictest standard in Japan for emissions. As such, under the Japanese government's taxation system for environmentally friendly vehicles, the new Prius is exempt from the automobile weight tax (until April 30, 2012), is exempt from the automobile acquisition tax (until March 31, 2012) and qualifies for a 50% reduction in the automobile tax (until March 31, 2010).


Text in Japanese



 また、排出ガスについても、NOx(窒素酸化物)、NMHC(非メタン系炭化水素)の低減により、国内の排出ガス基準最高レベルとなる「平成17年基準排出ガス75%低減レベル*4」の認定を取得。本年4月1日に施行された「環境対応車 普及促進税制」の対象車となり、「自動車重量税*5」および「自動車取得税*6」が免税(100%減税)、2008年4月1日施行の「グリーン税制」により「自動車税*7」も50%減税の措置を受けられる。
*1 量産ガソリン乗用車での比較。2009年3月現在。トヨタ調べ
*2 10・15モード走行燃費。国土交通省審査値
*3 省エネ法に基づき定められている燃費目標基準
*4 国土交通省の低排出ガス車認定制度
*5 2009年4月1日~2012年4月30日まで
*6 2009年4月1日~2012年3月31日まで
*7 2010年3月31日まで

Source: Toyota Motor Corporation Global Site

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