Wednesday, March 18, 2009

EDF and Toyota announce large-scale demonstration of plug-in hybrid vehicles in Strasbourg, France (トヨタ,仏EDFと仏ストラスブール市でプラグインハイブリッド車の大規模試験)

EDF and Toyota today announced a major step forward in their joint road-trials in France, involving Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles (PHVs) and an innovative charging infrastructure. About one hundred units of a next generation PHV equipped with lithium-ion batteries will be leased to selected companies and partners in the Strasbourg area starting from the end of 2009, for a duration of three years. This project has received financial support via the Research Fund managed by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency ADEME, following a call for projects on low-emitting vehicles.

This p
rogramme is part of a global Toyota project that will also be deployed in Japan and the US from the end of 2009. Toyota's main objective is to investigate further the technology and performance of Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles. EDF's objective is to evaluate different operational options for the charging infrastructure. The joint goal is to broaden consumers' understanding and acceptance, in preparation for broad commercialisation in the future.

In the context of the EDF-Toyota partnership, European road trials of Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles started in France in the autumn of 2007 and were expanded to the UK last year.

vehicles will use an innovative charging system which is able to ensure safe charging, communication between the plug and the vehicle, identification of the vehicle and invoicing of energy. For this demonstration, EDF and its subsidiary Electricité de Strasbourg (ES) will participate in a technical and financial partnership with all stakeholders, which will set up several hundred charging points at users' homes, at the facilities of partners, in public parking lots and on public roads.

A Plu
g-in Hybrid Vehicle uses Toyota’s hybrid technology but with the added benefit that its battery can be recharged using a standard electrical plug. Toyota's PHV is “the best of both worlds”: for short distances, it can be driven as an electric vehicle, resulting in a silent, zero CO2 emissions drive. For longer distances, the PHV works as a conventional hybrid vehicle, providing all the benefits of hybrid technology, including low emissions and fuel consumption, and excellent driving performance. Toyota expects the PHV to bring unsurpassed fuel efficiency and therefore record low emissions – as compared to any other mass-market vehicle on roads today.

Source: Newspress

Text in Japanese

 トヨタ自動車とフランス電力公社(Electricite de France:EDF)は2009年3月18日、充電インフラストラクチャーを活用したプラグインハイブリッド車(PHV)の公道実証試験をフランスのストラスブール市において共同で開始すると発表した。

 トヨタの目的はPHV技術や車両の性能に関する研究開発、EDFの目的は充電インフラの多様な使い方の検証を通じて、PHVの理解促進と将来の普及に備えること。具体的には、トヨタが、ストラスブール市のフリートユーザーに対し、2009年末から3年間にわたって、約100台のPHVをリースする。 EDFは本プロジェクトに参画している企業の協力を得て、ユーザーの自宅や企業の施設、公共駐車場、公道沿いなどに、数百基の充電スタンドを設置する。

 なお、本プロジェクトは、フランス環境エネルギー管理庁(French Environment and Energy Management Agency:ADEME)が募集した低排出車に関するプロジェクトの一つとして、同庁管轄の研究基金から助成金を受けている。

 トヨタは、2007年より、日米欧でニッケル水素電池を搭載したPHVの公道実証試験中。欧州では、EDFと共同で、2007年秋からパリで、 2008年9月からロンドンで、公道実証試験をしている。2009年末からはフリートユーザー向けに、新型「プリウス」をベースにLiイオン2次電池を搭載したPHVをグローバルで約500台リースする予定であり、本プロジェクトはその一環。

ソース: Tech-On

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