Thursday, March 12, 2009

Toyota Crown Hybrid, for those allergic to diesel

Early 2008, Toyota Japan announced with pride the13th generation of its high-end sedan, the Crown, but this time with a little touch of “Green” thanks to a newly design V6 Hybrid engine.

Unfortunately pretty unknown overseas, the Toyota Crown is however an iconic and well respected car in Japan. Decade before Toyota finally launched its Lexus brand in Japan, the Corwn was the only luxury vehicle available on their catalog.


With sharper lines and curves with as well as a nice “sport” touch, or latest Crown really mark a change in Toyota’s designing direction. More commonly owned by a 40+ years old category, Toyota tried however to mix elegance and fluidity, something that many of actual Japanese baby boomers are searching for in German cars and that was cruelly missing in Toyota core line-up.
Closer to the actual Lexus Line-Up, the Crown, Hybrid or not, reflect Toyota’s will to change its style and we have to admit that these new crowns are way more elegant than before.

Already extremely well equipped and comfortable, our New Crown is here again at the top, with high-quality plastics, leather there as well as the overall seat and dashboard design, there are almost not difference in terms of quality compared for example to a Lexus IS, and if you make the test you will see that many ones around you may not even see the difference between the High-End Toyota and your average Lexus.

While all Crowns are quite similar once seated behind, the steering wheel, the Hybrid version brings however a load of new functionality and tweaks only available on this version.
The first impressive of these tweaks is without a doubt, out Car full LCD dashboard, with its many different animation rending the UI (User Interface) astonishing, you will surprise yourself to even wait each time you start or stop your Crown Hybrid in order to see its boot-up and shut-down animation.

The 2n
d impressive improvement made on the Hybrid Crown is the spectacular Toyota Noise Cancelation system which thanks to different microphones and speakers placed all over the car will nullify almost any engine and driving noise, giving you a real stress less driving experience. And we have to admit that Toyota is on the right track on this matter, less noise means less stress and less fatigue giving you not only a comfortable driving experience but also an huge increase in passive security.

On the Road

Toyota is far from being a “newbie” here strong from its experience with the Prius and some other Lexus for example, Toyota gave to the Crown Hybrid its best attention and latest tweaks in order to give the best out this new Hybrid Sedan.

Now let’s face it, the Crown Hybrid is not a road demon and has not been even built for that, however thanks to its dual engine (Gasoline V6 and Electric) you will be surprised how responsive is our little sedan, after all the Crown hybrid proudly announce a total of 36HP which is far enough for such vehicle.

With 1840kg in total and fitted with ECO Tires, our Crown Hybrid does not really enjoy be fool around especially in mountains for example, and both its “fluffy” handling and its start of art Active and Passive security features, taken from other Lexus Sedans, will quickly spoil you fun, but once again, such attitude defeat the Crown Hybrid nature.

No the Crown Hybrid has been solely built to drive you and your family in perfect security, quietly, comfortably and on top of all, in a Car built to save both your wallet and the environment.

If you ever happen to drive an Hybrid car before you know what we are talking about and what kind of experience it will give you, for those who never had this chance, well let’s imagine for a minute your average V6 gasoline engine, with almost absolute silence and with the exact same range as you average Diesel car, but with the pleasure to drive a real engine, a gasoline one! Yeah ok you may already figured it out, but we cannot stand diesel vehicles…

Just imagine a moment being capable to drive over 800km without the needs to refill you tank, and not driving one of those disgraceful diesel engine cars, no sir, but driving for over 800km in a nice and soft V6 powered car, yes this is what we are talking about!

Granted we were doing our best to keep, what many call “a civilized way of driving” as well as checking the Electric motor energy gauge in order to optimize our mileage, but we did it, with a little bit less of 1 week, driving in almost any kind of road configuration from Highway to city, then country side road up to mountain road… we gave back our press car to Toyota with still 70km to go and made little over 800km with one and only one tank… Impressive !


Between the Prius and the Lexus LS600h and LS600hL Toyota thanks to its Crown Hybrid filled the gap that we were all waiting for! And Actually the Crown Hybrid is the perfect balance between economy and comfort… With a great value when it comes to comfort power and mileage the Crown Hybrid could even wear the Lexus badge that it will not chock anyone. And it is latest and more dynamic design, the Crown is now no longer only made for the 50+ Japanese citizen but will seriously start to attract some 35 to 40 years old father wishing to carry its family in style and be kind for the environment.

Nihon Car

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