Monday, March 23, 2009

Mazda develops world-first automated recycling technology for end-of-life vehicle bumpers (マツダ、世界初の廃車バンパーリサイクル自動化技術を開発)

Mazda Motor Corporation has developed a world-first recycling technology which enhances the process it uses to recycle used bumpers from vehicles, whose useful life has ended, into raw plastic resin for use in new vehicle bumpers. The new technology is the first to enable recycling of used bumpers from different manufacturers at the same time. Additionally, by automating processes to remove metal attachments, it significantly increases recycling efficiency.

da became an industry leader in bumper recycling when it began processing used bumpers from its own end-of-life vehicles that were collected through its dealer network in Japan. The new recycling technology can recycle all types and makes of bumper, thus removing the need for separate collection systems for each automaker’s products. It also combines all the recycling stages involved in crushing used bumpers through to reproducing raw materials, into a single automated process. These innovations represent a significant step forward for the industry.

now, unwanted materials such as metal attachments had to be removed by hand before the bumpers were visually inspected. These labor-intensive processes were an obstacle to increasing efficiency. Mazda overcame this by developing technologies to automate the processes in collaboration with Satake Corporation, a company in Hiroshima Prefecture, western Japan. Once used bumpers are crushed into pellets, a machine similar to those used to separate contaminants from cereal grains, removes unwanted metal pieces by shaking the pellets and directing airflow over them. In this way, Mazda’s new process enables higher efficiencies to be achieved.

a’s new technology also resolves another limitation of previous methods. Depending on the vehicle manufacturer and age of the vehicle, used bumpers vary considerably in terms of the composition of polypropylene plastic and the paint’s adhesive properties. While this has forced previous systems to treat different bumpers separately, Mazda’s new technology successfully enables all bumpers to be recycled together. The new process employs a kneading machine which is similar to those used for processing foodstuffs and chemicals such as rubber and plastics. The machine applies a powerful shear force to the crushed bumper pellets, effectively stripping off the paint regardless of the plastic composition or paint properties, and without having to heat the plastic.

Text in Japanese

 マツダ株式会社(以下、マツダ)は、廃棄処分された使用済自動車のバンパーを新車用バンパーの樹脂材料としてリサイクルする工程技術を世界で初め て開発しました。この技術により、これまでは難しいと考えられていた異なるメーカーの廃棄バンパーの同時処理や、金属類等の除去の自動化を実現し、より効 率的にリサイクルすることができます。

 マツダは、系列ディーラーから回収した自社製のバンパーから新車 パンパーへのリサイクルを業界に先駆けて推進してきました。今回の技術は自動車メーカーや回収の経緯を問わず、あらゆるバンパーを対象とすることに加え て、破砕から再生材製造に至るまでの一連の工程を自動化することができる、先進的なものとなっています。


  また、自動車メーカーや製造年代の違いにより、バンパー用ポリプロピレン材の組成や塗膜との密着性が異なるため、従来の技術では同時に塗膜を除去すること ができなかった問題を解決し、あらゆるメーカーや製造年代のものでも同時にはく離できる工程の実現にも成功しました。この工程においてはゴムや樹脂など化 学製品や食品加工等に利用されているニーダー混練機を活用し、破砕した固体状態のバンパー樹脂に強いせん断応力を加えることで材料組成や塗膜の密着性に左 右されない塗膜はく離技術を確立しました。

 今後もマツダは、この「バンパー to バンパー」をはじめとする先進的なリサイクル技術の開発を進めることで、サステイナブルな未来に向けた誠実かつ着実な取り組みを続けていきます。

※ 株式会社サタケ(広島県東広島市西条西本町2番30号 代表:佐竹 利子 氏)


Source: Mazda Global Web Site

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