Friday, March 27, 2009

Mitsubishi signs MoU with the Principality of Monaco regarding testing of i MiEV electric vehicle (三菱自動車、モナコ公国と電気自動車の走行試験に関する覚書を締結)

Following a successful testing exercise conducted in December 2008 (earlier post), the Principality of Monaco, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, Mitsubishi Motors Europe B.V. and MC Automobile (Europe) N.V. - a subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation - yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding fleet testing of Mitsubishi Motors' zero on-road emission i MiEV electric vehicle with the Principality of Monaco.

h this MoU, all involved parties demonstrate their shared interests in exploring electric vehicles for the sake of sustainable mobility. Monaco desires to secure a fleet of electric vehicles that emits the least amount of CO2 possible, to utilize for electric transport, and desires to become the forerunner for the implementation of electrical transport amongst countries worldwide. Mitsubishi Motors, as the forerunner in the development of electric vehicles, sees opportunities for collaborating with Monaco as a partner and as a test market for its i MiEV.

As a r
esult, a fleet of Mitsubishi i MiEVs will be supplied from the end of CY2009 to Monaco's local community service organizations, including the post office, telecom office and other organizations including Monte Carlo SBM hotels and casinos.

The aim will be to monitor the "real-life" daily usage of these cars in a European environment, the fine-tuning of their technical specifications as well as exploring the market potential in Monaco for deployment of the forthcoming left-hand-drive i MiEV there through promotional activities.

nced in October 2006, the i MiEV represents the pinnacle of Mitsubishi Motors' green technologies. Currently involved in testing and promotional activities in Japan, New Zealand, Australia, the United States and across Europe, the i MiEV will be launched in Japan during the summer of 2009.

Text in Japanese

三菱自動車は3月26日にモナコ公国、三菱自動車の欧州事業統括会社Mitsubishi Motors Europe B.V.(MME、ミツビシ・モータース・ ヨーロッパB.V.)、そして MC Automobile (Europe) N.V. と、2009年末よりモナコ公国にて実施する新世代電気自動車『i MiEV(アイ ミーブ)』の走行試験に協力する内容の覚書(MOU)を交換した。

モナコ公国では環境問題への取り組みとして、国内の移動手段をCO2排出量の少ない電動車両に置き換える施策に積極的に取り組んでいる。一方、三菱自動車は新世代電気自動車『i MiEV』のグローバル展開を積極的に推し進めており、今回、両者の考えに基づき、走行試験を実施することに合意した。

今回の走行試験は2009年末から『i MiEV』を配備し、同国内郵便局、通信局などの公共事業及び政府系企業(モンテカルロSBMカジノホテル)にて使われる予定である。

三菱自動車は新世代電気自動車『i MiEV』の実用性確認、およびプロモーション活動をグローバルで展開しており、すでに、日本、欧州、北米、ニュージーランド、豪州で実用化のための実証試験や調査活動を行っている。


Source: Mitsubishi Media Service

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