Tuesday, March 31, 2009
【レクサス RX 日本発表】ハイブリッドの実用燃費はどうなるか
開発責任者、トヨタ自動車レクサスセンター製品企画の勝田隆之チーフエンジニアは、新型RXの燃費性能に自信を見せる。「ガソリン価格の高騰など、ここま での状況悪化はさすがに予想していませんでしたが、それでも新型RXの商品企画に時代の要請が後から追いついたような感じはします」。半ば自信、半ば開発 方針が間違っていなかったことの安堵か。
このようにCO2の削減を念頭に燃費向上を図り、RX450hでJC08モード走行燃費16.8km/リットル、10・15モード走行燃費 18.8km/リットルを実現し、2015年度燃費基準を達成。RX350(ガソリン、2WD車)は10・15モード走行燃費9.7km/リットルを実 現。さらに、全車で「平成17年基準排出ガス75%低減レベル」の認定を取得した。
ソース: Response
Monday, March 30, 2009
Nissan ECO series benefit for Japan's preferential tax scheme for environment-friendly vehicles (日産自動車、減税措置に適合する車種を拡充)
TOKYO (March 31, 2009) - Nissan Motor Co.Ltd., today introduced its range of eco-friendly - the Nissan ECO Series - in anticipation of Japan's new preferential tax scheme for environment-friendly vehicles, effective April 2009*1.
The Nissan ECO Series offers a diverse choice of thirteen models to choose from, and will officially go on sale from April 23, 2009, nationwide*2.
The new preferential tax scheme favors clean-emission and energy efficient vehicles in the form of tax breaks for:
- automobile acquisition tax (from 50% to 100% tax break),
- automobile weight tax (from 50% to 100% tax break), and
- automobile tax one year after registration (from 25% to 50% tax break).
Vehicles that deliver 25% improvement over the 2010 Fuel Economy Standards qualify for 75% tax breaks in automobile acquisition and weight taxation. This includes seven vehicles: Cube, Note, Tiida, Tiida Latio, Wingroad, X-TRAIL and Serena. Whereas vehicles that deliver 15% improvement over the 2010 Fuel Economy Standards receive 50% tax break in the automobile acquisition and weight taxation.
The Nissan X-TRAIL Clean Diesel qualifies for maximum tax break at zero tax.
"The Nissan ECO Series offers our customers a fleet of environment-friendly cars that are also gentler on the pockets as each of these cars deliver significant improvements in fuel economy," said Takao Katagiri, corporate vice president of Marketing. "This green portfolio underscores Nissan's strong commitment to the environment. By employing a wide-range of environment technologies, we are delivering real-world fuel-economy and CO2 reductions, that our customers can appreciate."
The Nissan ECO Series features technology advancements such as Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) and engine modulation, alternator regenerative energy system, improved aerodynamics and eco-driving support.
Please refer to chart below for the new tax incentive scheme.
Grade | Automobile Aquisition tax | Automobile weight tax | Automobile Tax*a for the next year after registration | Improved fuel consumption rate*b (10-15 mode, based on the value evaluated by MLIT) | |
X-TRAIL | Clean Diesel | ▲100% | ▲100% | - | 15.2km/L |
Cube | 2WD | ▲75% | ▲75% | ▲50% | 20.0km/L |
Note | CVT equipped vehicles | 20.0km/L | |||
Tiida | CVT and HR15DE engine equipped vehicles | 20.0km/L | |||
Tiida Latio | CVT and HR15DE engine equipped vehicles | 20.0km/L | |||
Wingroad | CVT and HR15DE engine equipped vehicles | 20.0km/L | |||
X-TRAIL | MR20DE engine equipped vehicles +4WD *Some grades | 13.2km/L | |||
Lafesta | 4WD *Some grades | 13.2km/L | |||
Serena | 2WD | 13.2km/L | |||
AD/ AD Expert | HR15DE engine equipped vehicles | 16.2km/L | |||
HR16DE engine equipped vehicles *Some grades | 13.0km/L | ||||
Pino | 2WD 5-speed manual transmission equipped vehicles | - | 24.0km/L | ||
Cube | 4WD *Some grades | ▲50% | ▲50% | ▲25% | 15.6km/L |
Serena | 4WD | 12.2km/L | |||
X-TRAIL | 6-speed manual transmission equipped vehicles | 12.4km/L | |||
March | 5-speed manual transmission and CR12DE engine equipped vehicles | 21.0km/L | |||
Presage | 2WD *Some grades | 10.4km/L | |||
4WD | 10.2km/L | ||||
Lafesta | 2WD | 15.0km/L | |||
Otti | 5-speed manual transmission equipped vehicles | - | 22.0km/L | ||
Pino | 4WD 5-speed manual transmission equipped vehicles | 22.0km/L | |||
*a: The current "Green Tax Plan" is applied. *b: For the seven improved models, the figures were measured after the improvement. |
Environment Technologies
• Engine modulation and CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission)
- Incorporated in the Cube, Note, Tiida, Tiida Latio, Wingroad.
- The system modulates the vehicle accelaration to deliver optimal fuel-efficiency.
• Alternator regenerative energy system
- Incorporated in the Cube, Note, Tiida, Tiida Latio, Wingroad.
- During deceleration, the kinetic energy is used to charge the battery - this eliminates energy waste.
- Battery charge and discharge is increased, and the speed range for energy regeneration is extended, leading to improved fuel consumption.
• CVT Control
- Incorporated in the Cube, Note, Tiida, Tiida Latio, Wingroad.
- At idle, the CVT automotically reverts to neutral (N) from the drive (D) mode - this contributes to improve fuel consumption.
- CVT lock-up is disengaged at a lower speed and fuel-cut is engaged over a wider speed range, resulting in less fuel consumption during deceleration.
• Reduced drag
- Incorporated in the Cube, Note, Tiida, Tiida Latio, Wingroad.
- Improved aerodynamics is achieved under the engine compartment to reduce vehicle drag.
• CARWINGS ECO drive support system
- Incorporated on select Tiida and Tiida Latio models.
- In tandem with XTRONIC CVT, the eco-driving system helps to correct driving behavior to achieve optimal fuel efficiency.
- The system combines data from the navigation system such as "curve angle" or "distance to the tollgate", to moderate the optimal fuel efficiency.
*1: These new tax scheme does not apply to Autech models.
*2: Exception: Tiida and Tiida Latio will be launched in May 19, 2009.
Text in Japanese
日産自動車株式会社(本社:東京都中央区銀座 社長:カルロス ゴーン)は、CVT等の技術改良により、本年4月に施行される「環境対応車普及促進税制」による自動車取得税および自動車重量税の減税措置※1に適合する車種を拡充し、4月23日より全国一斉に販売を開始※2する。
今回改良を行った車種は「キューブ」「ノート」「ティーダ」「ティーダ ラティオ」「ウイングロード」「エクストレイル」「セレナ」の7車種である。これらを含め、日産車全体で13車種が、自動車取得税と自動車重量税が50%あるいは75%減税される。
日産は減税措置に適合する車種を"「Nissan ECO」シリーズ"と総称し、軽自動車・商用車を含む本減税措置の適合車種ラインアップを拡充することにより、お客さまの商品選択の幅を広げ、さらなる拡販を目指していく。
「キューブ」「ノート」「ティーダ」「ティーダ ラティオ」「ウイングロード」のHR15DEエンジン+CVT搭載の2WD車は、エンジンおよびCVTの制御変更、オルタネーターによるエネルギー回生、 停車時のアイドル制御などにより燃費向上を図った。また、「セレナ」、「エクストレイル」のMR20DEエンジン搭載の4WD車もCVTの制御を変更し た。なお「エクストレイル 20GT(クリーンディーゼル車)」は「次世代環境車」として、自動車取得税と自動車重量税が全額免除される。
車名 | 対象グレード | 自動車取得税 | 自動車重量税 | 自動車税*a (登録翌年度) | 燃料消費率*b (10・15モード、 国土交通省審査値) |
エクストレイル | クリーンディーゼル車 | ▲100% | ▲100% | ― | 15.2km/L |
キューブ | 2WD車 | ▲75% | ▲75% | ▲50% | 20.0km/L |
ノート | CVT搭載車 | 20.0km/L | |||
ティーダ | HR15DEエンジン +CVT搭載車 | 20.0km/L | |||
ティーダラティオ | HR15DEエンジン +CVT搭載車 | 20.0km/L | |||
ウイングロード | HR15DEエンジン +CVT搭載車 | 20.0km/L | |||
エクストレイル | MR20DEエンジン搭載 +4WD車 *一部車種 | 13.2km/L | |||
ラフェスタ | 4WD車 *一部車種 | 13.2km/L | |||
セレナ | 2WD車 | 13.2km/L | |||
AD/ ADエキスパート | HR15DEエンジン搭載車 | 16.2km/L | |||
HR16DEエンジン *一部車種 | 13.0km/L | ||||
ピノ | 2WD車 +5速マニュアル搭載車 | ― | 24.0km/L | ||
キューブ | 4WD車 *一部車 | ▲50% | ▲50% | ▲25% | 15.6km/L |
セレナ | 4WD車 | 12.2km/L | |||
エクストレイル | 6速マニュアル搭載車 *一部車種 | 12.4km/L | |||
マーチ | CR12DEエンジン +5速マニュアル搭載車 | 21.0km/L | |||
プレサージュ | 2WD車 *一部車種 | 10.4km/L | |||
4WD車 | 10.2km/L | ||||
ラフェスタ | 2WD車 | 15.0km/L | |||
オッティ | 5速マニュアル搭載車 | ― | 22.0km/L | ||
ピノ | 4WD車 +5速マニュアル搭載車 | 22.0km/L | |||
*a: 現行の「グリーン税制」適用 *b: 今回改良した7車種は改良後の値 |
- 発進時に「燃費意識の高いベテランドライバーのようなアクセル操作」ができるようアシスト。(キューブ、ノート、ティーダ、ティーダラティオ、ウイングロード)
- 緩い上り坂や前車追従時など、短時間だけ軽くアクセルを踏んだ状態での変速を抑え、スムースかつ無駄な燃料消費を抑制。(キューブ、ノート、ティーダ、ティーダラティオ、ウイングロード)
- これまでも、停車時にドライブ(D)レンジに入っていてもCVT内部はニュートラル(N)レンジ状態に制御し、燃料消費を削減していたが、今回はその削減時間をさらに拡大。(キューブ、ノート、ティーダ、ティーダラティオ、ウイングロード)
- CVTのロックアップ領域を拡大し、従来よりも更に低い車速域まで燃料カットを行うことで、減速中の燃料消費を低減。(キューブ、ノート、ティーダ、ティーダラティオ、ウイングロード、セレナ、エクストレイル)
- 減 速時に、走行する車両の持っている運動エネルギーをオルタネーターが電気エネルギーに変換してバッテリーに電力を蓄え(回生)、走行中およびアイドリング 時にこの蓄えられたエネルギーを使用することによって、エンジンの負荷を低減。今回さらに、従来に比べ、バッテリーの充放電量を増やすと同時に、低い車速 域までエネルギー回生を行い、ガソリン消費を更に削減。
- 空気抵抗を少なくするため、エンジンルーム下などに気流を整える空力パーツを追加。
● カーウイングスナビゲーションシステム(地デジ内蔵・HDD方式)装着車に、「エコドライブ支援」を搭載(ON/OFF機能付)(ティーダ、ティーダラティオの一部グレード対象)
- エンジンとCVTの協調制御により、急なアクセル操作をしても、クルマ側で丁寧なアクセル操作に補正し、スムースな発進や安定した巡航など、扱い易さを向上させつつ、実用燃費の向上に貢献。
- 「カーブの大きさ」「料金所までの距離」など、ナビゲーション情報を使って、エンジンブレーキ力を最適にコントロール。エンジン回転数を最適に保つことで、燃料カット頻度を増加させ、燃費を向上。
- ※1:「平成17年基準排出ガス75%低減レベル(SU-LEV)」かつ「平成22年度燃費基準+25%」を達成した車両で、
オーテック扱いの持込登録車種は除く。 - ※2:「ティーダ」「ティーダ ラティオ」は5月19日から販売開始。
Source: Nissan Global Website
Nissan may flip electric-vehicle switch early in U.S.
For a year, the company has been saying it will start EV fleet sales to utilities and commercial users in 2010 and consumer retail sales through its dealer network two years later.
But Mark Perry, director of product planning and strategy for the automaker in Franklin, Tenn., says some U.S. markets probably will be ready for retail sales sooner than 2012. "We're keeping ourselves open to the possibility that if a market is ready for it, we'll go ahead earlier," Perry says.
Nissan plans to sell a line of new electric vehicles powered by a lithium ion battery created through a partnership with NEC of Japan. The automaker has requested a low-interest loan from the U.S. Department of Energy to build an EV battery manufacturing plant in Smyrna, Tenn.
Perry says Nissan will launch sales city by city as communities get their vehicle recharging infrastructure in place.
Separately, a person in Tokyo familiar with the EV project said Nissan is eyeing an electric vehicle with a range of 100 miles between charges. The vehicle will be a family car, based on a platform already in use.
The car will be a uniquely designed stand-alone model to make it distinct, much the way the Toyota Prius hybrid called attention to its green credentials with novel styling.
When volume is high enough, Nissan will consider building cars overseas, including the United States.
Source: Automotive News via The Car Tech blog
In hybrid price war, new Prius battles Insight
He proudly told reporters about its outstanding mileage—50 miles per gallon—roof solar panel, collision safety features and how fun it was to drive.
But throughout the recent event at Fuji Speedway, Otsuka was just as intent on stressing how the Prius performed better than the new, hot-selling rival hybrid from Honda, the Insight. But he was surprised at the upstart’s price—$2,000 to $4,000 less than the current Prius model.
“It was lower than anything I had expected,” he said with a little laugh. “Honda has done a great job.”
Welcome to the new price war in hybrid vehicles.
Toyota’s Prius, the long-reigning hybrid king, faces its toughest competition yet in the Insight, whose sales have already topped 21,000 in just a month and a half in Japan—more than triple Honda Motor Co’s target.
The Insight starts at 1.89 million yen ($19,000) in Japan, and $19,800 in the U.S., where it arrives in showrooms this month.
The current model of the Prius now sells for $22,000 in the U.S. and 2.3 million yen ($23,000) in Japan. The remodeled third-generation Prius is a bigger car with a more powerful engine than the current Prius and would have otherwise been expected to bear a higher price tag.
A hybrid offers savings at the gas pump because of its superior mileage that comes from switching between a gasoline engine and an electric motor. But they tended to be more expensive because of the motor, battery and other extra parts—until the arrival of the Insight.
Otsuka said Toyota was considering pricing the new model lower than the current model, while declining to disclose the price. The stronger yen has made price-slashing difficult in the U.S. But he also said Toyota was well aware it wasn’t a wise idea to set the U.S. price too much higher than the Japan price.
For the longer term, Toyota is also developing a smaller hybrid that will compete more directly with the Insight, he said.
He did not give details but said it would be a “Vitz-class” vehicle, a subcompact like the Yaris in the U.S. He said that would make for a more affordable addition to Toyota’s lineup.
The Nikkei, Japan’s major business daily, reported recently that the planned model would underprice the Insight, costing no more than a comparable regular car, and is expected to go on sale in 2011. It did not cite sources, which is standard for Japanese media reports.
The world’s automakers have been working hard to develop hybrids although their appeal has subsided somewhat after oil prices have declined in recent months. Toyota’s Prius is the global top-seller in gas-electric hybrids at a cumulative 1.2 million sold around the world since its 1997 debut.
Ford Motor Co will soon release its Fusion hybrid, a midsize sedan. German automakers Daimler AG and BMW AG are also planning hybrids, although those models as luxury cars are likely to cost more than the humbler Prius and Insight.
The battle among hybrids comes amid a steep drop in auto demand that has hit Japan’s top brands hard. Toyota is expecting a 350 billion yen ($3.67 billion) loss for the fiscal year through March—its first such yearly red ink since 1950. Honda is forecasting an 87% fall in profit.
Still, there has been speculation in the Japanese media that Toyota would not only set the new Prius price lower than initially expected at about 2 million yen but that it will also continue to sell the current Prius, matching Insight’s price.
It would be an unusual move in the industry, where old models are discontinued. Toyota declined comment on the reports.
“The popularity of hybrids is going to pick up momentum very quickly because of their low prices,” said Yasuaki Iwamoto, analyst with Okasan Securities Co in Tokyo.
But the price war will also cut into profit margins from hybrids, already slimmer than those from regular vehicles, Iwamoto said.
Toyota has also cut costs required to make its hybrid system by about 20% to 35%, Otsuka said, while not giving specific numbers. To keep the starting price tag low, frills and perks for the new Prius will likely be offered as options, according to Toyota.
Norio Ano, a Honda official overseeing Insight’s development, said Wednesday that further cost-cutting and leaner production would be needed at Honda, if Prius is going to be priced close to the Insight.
“We will have to go back to scratch and review all our procedures from step one,” he said. “It’s hats off to Toyota if they can make it work as a business at the prices being reported.”
An ingenious feature of the Prius is the solar panel on the roof, which powers an air-ventillation fan that works automatically while the car is parked so you don’t have to get into an uncomfortably hot car.
Otsuka wasn’t shy about his determination not to get beaten by the Insight.
It’s no accident the marketing slogan for the new Prius is, “the only hybrid for the earth,” he said. He really believes Prius will continue to be the best in mileage, drivability and brand power.
The Insight gets 40 miles per gallon in city driving and 43 mpg on highways, not as good as the 48 mpg in city driving and 45 mph on highways for the Prius already on sale. The revamped Prius gets 50 mpg, according to Toyota.
“We almost gave up on reaching our goal for mileage but we stuck to it,” Otsuka said. “The Prius is the iconic hybrid.”
Source: Japan Today
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Infiniti: the next five years
2010: an all-new ‘M’-badged 5-series-chaser
Next year, we’ll see the introduction of the Japanese firm’s all-new ‘M’-badged mid-size executive saloon.
This car will be engineered to accept Infiniti’s 3.7-litre V6 petrol engine, and its forthcoming 3.0-litre V6 turbodiesel – although both the EX and FX SUVs will get the V6 oil-burner V6 before that.
A hybrid petrol-electric version of the M is also in the pipeline, but has yet to be confirmed for Europe. No V8 options are currently planned.
The new M will be launched at the 2010 Geneva motor show.
2011: a brand new flagship SUV
A new QX large SUV will be launched the following year. This car will sit above the FX, offer four driven wheels and seat seven in comfort.
Like the current QX56, the sheer size of the new model will make it much more suited to the Russian and American markets than the narrow roads of the UK. It’s likely to be available to western European buyers only via special order.
However, another Infiniti seven-seater may be along before too long. A lower, sleeker seven-seat model is in the pipeline and if it’s approved it could be on sale before 2015.
2012: Infiniti goes after the Quattroporte
Three years from now, Infiniti will launch two all-new saloons: a flagship limousine, and the replacement for the current G37 small saloon.
The firm’s biggest four-door will be badged ‘Q’ and will take over from the Q45 saloon that Infiniti discontinued in 2006.
The next G-badged model family should account for the majority of Infiniti’s European sales. Little detail is known, other than that diesel engines will not feature in the G range until this new model arrives.
Beyond 2012: an electric 1-series-fighter?
Infiniti’s most distant plans currently include a battery-powered compact model, although building it is still very much an ambition for the company rather than a concrete part of the product schedule.
In order to be effective as an electric car it would have to be reasonably small, low and aerodynamically efficient. However, in order to be a true Infiniti it will also have to have either rear or four-wheel drive.
Source: Autocar
Friday, March 27, 2009
【インサイト エコランチャレンジ】高速走行で好燃費を出すコツ
メディア対抗の「インサイト エコランチャレンジ」で東京・鈴鹿間27km/リットルという平均燃費を出したレスポンスチーム。エンジンに負担をかける高速走行はハイブリッドカーに不利というのが定説だが、走り方次第ではかなりの燃費が期待できることが分かった。
人間の脳とは不思議なモノで、アンビエントメーター中にデジタルの速度表示があるにもかかわらず、それがほとんど目に入らず、メーターの表示色ばかり注意 が向いてしまうのだ。バックミラーの後続車がどんどん近づいてくるのに気づいて、元の速度に戻すためにあわててアクセルを踏むと、これが燃費に悪影響をお よぼしてしまう。また高速道路での過度な減速は流れを妨げ、後続車から追突される危険も生じる。
走行状況に応じてコンピュータが最適なスロットル開度を制御するドライブ・バイ・ワイヤ(DBW)を採用しているインサイトでは、上り坂にさしかかった時 にじわじわとアクセルを踏み込むことでエンジンの効率のいい領域を積極的に使おうとしてくれるからだ。ベタ踏みしてしまうと、クルマは急加速を必要として いると判断して、効率よりも加速のためにエンジン回転数を必要以上に上げてしまう。
開発陣によると、数ヶ月にわたってヨーロッパでインサイトの足回りを鍛えたという。じっさい今回、オドメーター8000km前後を示していたインサイトの 「L」グレードで東京 - 鈴鹿間を走った限りでは、70 - 80km/hでは足の固さが若干感じられたが、90km/h以上になるとよりフラットな乗り味に変化した。エコ性能だけでなく、元気のいい走りのポテン シャルもインサイトは秘めている。
ソース: Response
Mitsubishi signs MoU with the Principality of Monaco regarding testing of i MiEV electric vehicle (三菱自動車、モナコ公国と電気自動車の走行試験に関する覚書を締結)
Through this MoU, all involved parties demonstrate their shared interests in exploring electric vehicles for the sake of sustainable mobility. Monaco desires to secure a fleet of electric vehicles that emits the least amount of CO2 possible, to utilize for electric transport, and desires to become the forerunner for the implementation of electrical transport amongst countries worldwide. Mitsubishi Motors, as the forerunner in the development of electric vehicles, sees opportunities for collaborating with Monaco as a partner and as a test market for its i MiEV.
As a result, a fleet of Mitsubishi i MiEVs will be supplied from the end of CY2009 to Monaco's local community service organizations, including the post office, telecom office and other organizations including Monte Carlo SBM hotels and casinos.
The aim will be to monitor the "real-life" daily usage of these cars in a European environment, the fine-tuning of their technical specifications as well as exploring the market potential in Monaco for deployment of the forthcoming left-hand-drive i MiEV there through promotional activities.
Announced in October 2006, the i MiEV represents the pinnacle of Mitsubishi Motors' green technologies. Currently involved in testing and promotional activities in Japan, New Zealand, Australia, the United States and across Europe, the i MiEV will be launched in Japan during the summer of 2009.
Text in Japanese
三菱自動車は3月26日にモナコ公国、三菱自動車の欧州事業統括会社Mitsubishi Motors Europe B.V.(MME、ミツビシ・モータース・ ヨーロッパB.V.)、そして MC Automobile (Europe) N.V. と、2009年末よりモナコ公国にて実施する新世代電気自動車『i MiEV(アイ ミーブ)』の走行試験に協力する内容の覚書(MOU)を交換した。
モナコ公国では環境問題への取り組みとして、国内の移動手段をCO2排出量の少ない電動車両に置き換える施策に積極的に取り組んでいる。一方、三菱自動車は新世代電気自動車『i MiEV』のグローバル展開を積極的に推し進めており、今回、両者の考えに基づき、走行試験を実施することに合意した。
今回の走行試験は2009年末から『i MiEV』を配備し、同国内郵便局、通信局などの公共事業及び政府系企業(モンテカルロSBMカジノホテル)にて使われる予定である。
三菱自動車は新世代電気自動車『i MiEV』の実用性確認、およびプロモーション活動をグローバルで展開しており、すでに、日本、欧州、北米、ニュージーランド、豪州で実用化のための実証試験や調査活動を行っている。
Source: Mitsubishi Media Service
Renewably sourced nylon resin debuts in new radiator component
DENSO engineering and DuPont R&D embarked on development of a new material for use in a higher performance radiator end-tank that meets auto manufacturers’ needs for sustainable solutions. The new material, developed jointly by DENSO and DuPont in a proprietary process, contains 40% renewable content by weight derived from the castor bean plant, and meets requirements for exceptional heat resistance, durability and road salt resistance—attributes DENSO says were difficult to deliver with many resins containing a high percentage of plant-derived ingredients.
Production of the part for the global vehicle market begins this spring and DENSO has announced intentions to use the material in a wide range of products to reduce use of limited oil resources and reduce CO2 emissions in its processes.
DuPont has introduced a number of renewably sourced products that are made, in whole or in part, from renewable agricultural feedstocks such as corn, soybeans, castor beans, sugar cane and wheat, rather than petroleum to help industry reduce dependence on depletable petroleum-based products. Among the nine high-performance product families are: DuPont Sorona polymer, DuPont Sorona EP thermoplastic polymer, DuPont Hytrel RS thermoplastic elastomer and DuPont Zytel long chain polyamides.
Source: Green Car Congress
「インサイト」の最高燃費ランキング情報を Hondaのホームページ上で公開
インサイトの最高燃費ランキングは、インサイトユーザー※2が楽しみながら低燃費走行できることを目的とし、インターナビ情報センターにアップロードされた、全国を走るインサイトのカーナビで記録された情報をもとに1日単位の平均燃費※3を 競う「インターナビ・プレミアムクラブ」のサービスである。これまでは、「インターナビ・プレミアムクラブ」会員のインサイトユーザーのみが閲覧できた情 報であったが、この情報をHondaのホームページ上で公開することにより、ドライバーの低燃費運転を支援するエコアシスト(エコロジカル・ドライブ・ア シスト・システム)の魅力やインサイトの実用燃費の良さを多くの方に知っていただくことを目的としている。
※1 | http://www.honda.co.jp/INSIGHT/ もしくは http://www.honda.co.jp/INSIGHT/assist-system/index.html | |
※2 | 「インターナビ・プレミアムクラブ」会員で、任意で「ランキング」にエントリーしているインサイトユーザー | |
※3 | ドライブ単位の平均燃費をもとに計算している。1ドライブ単位の平均燃費は、エンジンを掛けてから切るまでとし、エンジンを切ったときにカーナビに自動的に登録される | |
※4 | 対応車種:レジェンド、オデッセイ、アコード、アコードツアラー |
ソース: ホンダのWebサイト
Thursday, March 26, 2009
【ホンダ インサイト 試乗】ゲーム感覚で省燃費運転…津々見友彦
スピードメーターのバックグラウンドのカラーが変わり、省燃費運転状態を知らせてくれるのはグッドアイディア。更に、アクセル、ブレーキの踏み方も指導し てくれ省燃費運転が身に付く。「ECONスイッチ」を押すとストレスなしで、燃費が向上し確実には5 - 10%向上した。
動力性能はフルスロットルでゼロヨン加速を17秒台で、現行トヨタ『プリウス』並みの快速。特徴的なのはスポーティなハンドリング。予想以上にスポーティ だ。「LS」は185/55R16サイズタイヤを履くのでスポーティだが、多少固め感の乗り心地なのは否めないが、175/65R15サイズの、「L」、 「G」の乗り心地は快適。
ソース: Response
【プリウス プロトタイプ 試乗】排気量アップとモーター出力増が功奏…津々見友彦
全開加速の0-400m加速は16秒台と快速で、1.8リットルの排気量アップとモーターのパワーアップが功を奏している。アクセルの踏み込み方と燃費の 関係が判りやすいバーグラフも見やすい。乗り心地は15インチタイヤではマイルドで快適。またエンジンノイズも抑えられ心地好い。燃費は、エコモードでは ちょっと気配りする走りだと30km/リットルは行く。
ソース: Response
Mazda to focus on clean-diesels and weight reduction, says no to hybrids
Instead of relying on expensive hybrid electric systems, Kanai said that Mazda will focus on clean diesels, advances in internal combustion engines, automatic transmissions and weight reduction methods.
Kanai said that Mazda is currently working on a 2.0L clean diesel engine that will be as fuel-efficient as a 660cc gasoline minicar or a “mild” hybrid car. He said that Mazda is also working on ways to cut the weight of new models after 2011 by more than 220 lb.
While hybrid lovers like Toyota argue that emissions regulations in the future would require costly development of diesel engines, Kanai says that Mazda’s new diesel engine would cost less. As for costs in reducing the weight of their cars, Kanai said that the ”norm in the industry is to ‘buy’ weight reduction at a cost, but we won’t do that.”
Source: eGMCarTech
HS 250h to Offer Lexus Enform with Safety Connect
The Lexus HS 250h will be the first vehicle to offer Toyota Motor Sales (TMS), USA, Inc.’s all-new telematics systems. Lexus EnformTM with Safety ConnectTM will be available on the dedicated luxury hybrid sedan when it goes on sale late this summer.
“We are proud to introduce these services and advance our relationships with our Lexus customers by providing them the features they need to feel safer and more secure while on the road,” said Jon Bucci, TMS vice president, Advanced Technology Department.
Available by subscription and offered on navigation-equipped HS vehicles, Lexus Enform with Safety Connect is a service built on the foundation of valuable safety and security services with the added layer of more convenience-oriented features and specialized advanced technologies. Safety Connect services will be available separate of Lexus Enform on all non-navigation HS sedans, also by subscription.
Safety Connect: A Secure Foundation
Safety Connect serves as the cornerstone of the HS 250h’s new telematics offerings and will provide fundamental safety and security services to help extend confidence to HS drivers on the road.
“While a portion of the industry appears to be migrating to reliance upon wireless handheld devices to deliver in-vehicle safety, we’ve followed our engineering insights and Toyota’s G-Book and G-Link roots in Japan,” said Bucci. “Based on our experience and research, our core safety and security technology is embedded in the vehicle to help ensure reliability and responsiveness.”
Safety Connect will include the following four safety and security facets:
Automatic Collision Notification (ACN)
Safety Connect’s ACN will help drivers receive the necessary response from emergency teams. In the event of severe collision, the response center will be automatically notified via embedded cellular technology and GPS. Once the response-center agent receives the vehicle ID and the vehicle’s location, the agent can speak with the driver to ascertain the level of emergency. If the driver is unable to communicate, the agent automatically treats the call as an emergency. The response center agent then uses the vehicle’s GPS location to determine the nearest Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) available to provide emergency support and will offer to stay on the line until emergency assistance arrives.
Stolen Vehicle Location (SVL)
Safety Connect subscribers will be able to rely on an extra level of security in the event that their vehicle is stolen. If this should happen, Safety Connect will assist in tracking the location of the stolen vehicle using the vehicle’s GPS. Once a police report has been filed and the owner contacts the Safety Connect call center to report the theft, call center agents will assist local authorities to help recover the vehicle—keeping the owner apprised of the progress.
Emergency Assistance Button (SOS)
All Safety Connect–enabled vehicles will come equipped with an SOS button, with the call center's 24-hour emergency assistance only a press away. When an emergency situation develops, subscribed customers will be able to quickly reach the Safety Connect response center to communicate their emergency. Again using embedded cellular and GPS technology, the agent will assess the situation and dispatch the necessary assistance based on the type of emergency.
Roadside Assistance
When a driver encounters problems on the road, the Safety Connect response center will be available for roadside assistance 24 hours a day via the SOS button. Call center agents will help drivers receive aid for a wide range of needs, such as towing, jump start, flat tire, fuel delivery, etc. With this service, drivers will not need to rely on additional membership organizations for roadside coverage to help them get back on the road.
All Safety Connect calls will be sent directly to Toyota’s dedicated, specialized telematics response center operated by ATX Group, a leading provider of global automotive telematics services for over a decade.
Lexus Enform: Pinnacle of Convenience
Lexus Enform services will provide a new level of care to HS drivers, with a diverse assortment of offerings ranging from operator-assisted destination entry to up-to-the-minute weather reports. The cornerstones of Lexus Enform are two convenience-based services: Destination Assist and eDestination. With these features, the HS 250h becomes a virtual information tool—giving drivers the ability to send and receive the data they choose and need along the way. Both services also rest on the solid foundation of Toyota’s dedicated ATX call center.
Destination Assist
Live-operator assistance with finding destinations will be just the press of a button away with Destination Assist. While either parked or driving, subscribed HS drivers will be able to easily connect to an operator to ask for help finding local points of interest from dining to gas stations, dry cleaners to museums. As an added bonus to Lexus drivers, Zagat’s best-in-breed restaurant content will also be available via Destination Assist.
Destination Assist operators will help steer drivers to the nearest or preferred destination, locating either the specific business or address requested or offering nearby choices for, for example, a specific type of cuisine or nearby business or service. Once the driver tells the operator their choice, the destination is sent wirelessly to the vehicle’s navigation system.
An expedient self-service feature of Lexus Enform is eDestination, which will allow the HS drivers to go online, via the Lexus.com owners’ Web site, to select and organize destinations of their choice and then send them wirelessly to their vehicle. From a personal computer, Lexus Enform-subscribed HS owners will be able to simply log in to their account and search for destinations by one of three options, point of interest (POI) name, category, or address, in Lexus’ POI database—the same nationwide database in the vehicle’s navigation system.
By entering either a city and state or a Zip code with their search option, users will receive a numbered list of relevant choices all called out on a map screen. The user will then simply select the destination of their choice and save it to either an existing or new folder. When finished, the user simply selects “save to vehicle” and their personalized destinations will be available to load into the vehicle’s navigation system upon the next start up. Going hand in hand with the quality Lexus drivers have come to expect and rely upon in Lexus vehicles, Lexus Enform drivers will also have easy online access to Zagat-rated restaurants nationwide via eDestination.
With eDestination, subscribed HS drivers will be able to build a destination library of up to 20 customized folders, with up to 10 destinations per folder—meaning an unprecedented total of 200 personalized destinations being sent to the vehicle. The folder cache will remain online for users to save or update as they see fit. For example, folders with the addresses of friends, family, or favorite local restaurants can be saved and maintained while new folders can be created for specific occasions—a vacation (“Road Trip to Boston”) or business meetings (“LA Biz Travel”)—and updated to meet current plans. With this feature, HS drivers will be able to plan trips easily and in advance, and even update along the way using a personal computer.
Flexible Voice Interface
The HS 250h’s Lexus Enform navigation platform will automatically include the updated voice recognition system currently only available on the MY10 Lexus RX. This new voice recognition system, called voice command, features VoiceBox Technology’s award-winning, patented Conversational Voice Search, and allows drivers more flexible, easier access and control.
Voice command software enhances standard voice recognition and functions as a supplementary layer “on top” of the existing voice recognition system, an application not seen before in the automotive world. Without voice command, users must speak commands in a specific order, e.g., “Phone > Dial by Name > Dial Bob.” Now this same task can be completed simply by saying, “Call Bob at home.” The voice command system also works to control many functions of the audio system, heating and air conditioning, and the navigation system. Commands such as, “Make it cooler,”
“Let’s find XM channel 46,” “Show me Japanese restaurants,” and “I need a gas station along my route” make tasks easier to accomplish, in fewer steps, with more flexible speech, and help allow drivers to focus more on the road ahead. Voice command technology will be standard on all navigation-equipped HS vehicles and will not require a Lexus Enform subscription.
Mobile Audio Casts with Lexus Insider
One thing we know about Lexus drivers is that they appreciate up-to-the-minute information about the world around them. With Lexus Insider, a complimentary service on all Lexus Enform navigation-equipped vehicles, HS drivers will be able to listen to audio broadcasts in their vehicles with the push of a button. A first in the industry, brief
“hot topic” audio programmes, hand selected for Lexus customers, will be sent regularly to vehicles and then available in the vehicle for drivers to enjoy whenever they see fit. Automatic notifications of new audio casts will be available, or drivers will be able to select not to receive notifications. Drivers who prefer not to receive the broadcasts will be able to easily opt out of the service.
Lexus Insider topics may include such things as vehicle technology insights, with tips on model-specific Lexus vehicles and their capabilities; updates on Lexus-exclusive regional events; and selections from Lexus magazine lifestyle articles. Additionally, customers will also receive Lexus Insider insights into exclusive destinations appealing to Lexus drivers. As a service available only to Lexus drivers, the audio-cast files can include downloadable points of interest, which can be loaded into the navigation system as destinations.
Because broadcast data transmission to automobiles is necessarily complicated by the unpredictable nature of when, and for how long, vehicles will be powered on, Lexus Insider makes use of innovative technology to optimize delivery. Thus equipped, Lexus Enform vehicles can successfully receive audio casts in spite of disruptions to transmissions—helping to ensure that listeners receive Lexus Insider stories seamlessly and without complications.
XM – Beyond Radio
Also part of Lexus Enform’s navigation-based services set, a variety of innovative
XM services will be available, and factory ready, on the HS 250h. Available XM satellite
radio programming and its available “Best of SIRIUS” content will be standard equipment on the HS (requires subscription).
Additionally, the HS will feature XM NavTraffic® and XM NavWeatherTM services.
XM NavTraffic informs the driver of current traffic conditions with real-time traffic displays. When traffic problems are detected, in order to avoid them the navigation system alerts the driver so that the route can be adjusted. XM NavWeather will provide near real-time weather conditions as well as spoken and nav-screen forecasts, both based on official National Weather Service data.
Lexus Enform’s navigation platform will also bring to the HS XM® Sports and Stocks, a service included with an XM audio program subscription, which will provide in-car personalized updates on customer-selected sports and stocks, so HS drivers will be able to stay connected to their favorite teams and investment data while on the road. Additionally, many functions of all XM services will be accessible via Lexus Enform’s advanced voice command system, adding a new level of flexibility.
Standard XM satellite radio programming, XM NavTraffic and XM NavWeather services will offer three-month trials, after which subscriptions will be required.
Lexus EnformTM with Safety ConnectTM Features
Premium Lexus Enform Services*
- Destination Assist
- Push-button live-operator assistance with finding destinations—including Zagat-rated restaurants—while either parked or driving, address wirelessly sent to vehicle’s navigation system.
- eDestination
- Online customer destination management; stores and wirelessly sends to vehicle up to 200 destinations, also including Zagat-rated restaurants.
Safety Connect Safety and Security Features*
· Automatic Collision Notification
- In the event of severe collision, an automatic notification is sent via embedded cellular technology and GPS, resulting in the dispatch of emergency services.
· Stolen Vehicle Location
- Upon filing of a police report, vehicle tracking assistance is provided via embedded cellular technology and GPS.
· Emergency Assistance Button (SOS)
- Designated 24-hour call center assistance and support available via SOS button in case of emergency.
· Roadside Assistance
- Available assistance includes: towing, jump start, flat tire replacement, fuel delivery, and miscellaneous minor assistance.
Additional Lexus Enform Services
- Voice Command
- Newly advanced, voice-recognition system; includes flexible voice commands such as, “Make it cooler,” “Let’s find XM channel 46,” “Show me Japanese restaurants,” and “I need a gas station along my route.”
- Lexus Insider
- Optional in-vehicle audio broadcasts; potential topics include: vehicle technology insights, updates on Lexus-exclusive regional events, selections from Lexus magazine lifestyle articles, exclusive destinations with downloadable points of interest.
- XM® NavTraffic*
- Live traffic updates & rerouting in 77 US cities
- XM® NavWeather*
- Live weather updates in 150 U.S. cities
- XM® Sports & Stocks*
- Personalized sports teams and stocks updates
*Subscription required
ソース: Tech-On!
Honda shines bright in new TV ad to support affordable hybrid car
The 60, 30, 20 and 15-second TV spots marks the global launch of the all-new Insight – the most affordable hybrid on the market – which aims to make cleaner car technology accessible to a wider audience. The new Insight goes on sale at the start of April in most of Europe.
The advert opens on what appears to be the world’s largest LED screen displaying an animated sequence of simple dot matrix graphic stories that depict the notion of ‘good’. The animations show hugs and kisses, frowns turned into smiles, and general goodwill – all aiming to convey people’s inherent wish to be good. As the animation plays it is slowly revealed to the viewer that it is actually being created entirely by the headlights of hundreds of Honda Insight cars. The spectacle is set to a bespoke recorded version of ‘This Little Light of Mine’ created by Berend Dubbe.
‘Let it Shine’ has been created by Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam for use across Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russia. The European debut of ‘Let it Shine’ takes place on March 28 in Belgium.
The campaign extends Honda’s strategy of continuing to be at the forefront in environmental technologies and communications. This new approach underpins a communications plan which will run alongside the expansion of Honda’s hybrid range with a coupe based on the CR-Z concept and a Jazz hybrid set to join the new Insight and existing Civic Hybrid in the next two years.
Chris Brown, Head of Marketing for Honda Motor Europe comments: “We would like to become the most admired company in the world, and to do this we need to have the most admired brand and communications across our region, EMEAR. This is a continuation of our journey.”
This latest campaign is truly integrated; with print, outdoor and digital in addition to TV. The theme ‘Everyone Wants to Be Good’ is incorporated throughout, as well as the iconic ‘Honda Eco’ flower - a visual cue to the ‘Eco Assist’ system within the Insight which encourages and rewards efficient driving.
In the end, although the team discovered that the idea was logistically feasible, they were concerned about the carbon footprint that a shoot of that magnitude would leave. After doing the work to see what was possible W+K and Honda made a conscious decision to look at a more environmentally friendly alternative. The result was a fusion of modelling software for animation, a small number of Insight vehicles for scale and a few hundred Insight headlights. The vehicles and headlights were precisely spaced and wired together while a specially created computer program created the two separate halves of the animations. These animation halves were subsequently married together in post-production.
This approach allowed the team to greatly reduce the carbon footprint of the shoot. To further limit carbon output they relied on vehicles already located in South Africa, grouped shipments of props and lights as much as possible, and mandated group transportation of personnel to and from shoot. For further good measure, the shoot’s carbon output that could not be prevented was entirely offset through carbon credits purchased through the Carbon-Neutral Company’s Unity Portfolio.
‘Let it Shine’ was directed by Erik van Wyk and creative directed by Jeff Kling, John Norman and Sue Anderson. It debuts across Europe in April and will be shown in 14 countries initially. First air date is Belgium on 28th March.
Other country dates include:
UK - 14th April, France - 4th April, Switzerland - 6th April, Italy - 10th April.
* Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russian region
Source: Honda European Media Newsroom
Comparison test: 2010 Honda Insight vs. 2010 Toyota Prius
"The good news for consumers is that the market has plenty of room for both the Prius and Insight in their respective segments," Carter adds. "Based on our 2010 projections, the Prius can achieve a theoretical 7 percent share of the industry's largest segment — midsize sedans. In the second-ranked compact class, the Insight could achieve a 5 percent market share."
So it'll be a nice, peaceful coexistence for these two hybrid cars that just happen to look almost exactly like each other. Don't believe that? Neither do we.
As the U.S. economy continues its topsy-turvy performance, nobody's market share is safe. So it actually matters which hybrid car is better — the 2010 Honda Insight, which goes on sale April 22, or the 2010 Toyota Prius, which hits dealers in late May.
The Insight has already proven itself against the 2009 Prius. But now that the 2010 Toyota Prius has appeared with its bigger engine, all-new chassis and 50-mpg EPA-combined fuel economy rating, it is a much tougher hybrid cookie (bursting with high-fiber organic oats and fair-trade chocolate chips!).
Let's Get Our Priorities Straight
We'd like to think the winner of this test will be the hybrid car that we truly enjoy driving — the one that makes us forget about the heavy cache of nickel-metal hydride batteries stuffed under its cargo floor. But instead let's consider the real reasons people buy cars like the 2010 Honda Insight and 2010 Toyota Prius.
Fuel economy is the big factor here, so just like in the earlier Mk II Insight-versus-Mk II Prius battle, we're weighting it 25 percent in the final scoring of our comparison, using the EPA rating for combined mpg, which has become a reliable indicator of real-world fuel economy since the EPA recalibrated the test.
Pricing counts just as much, especially since the Insight's mission is to deliver hybrid technology on the cheap, while the Prius (for all its pomp and mpg) has always been a relative bargain among midsize cars. Feature content and test-track performance are secondary considerations here, so we're weighting them just 15 percent apiece.
We've halved the number of ratings-worthy top features in this test, because these particular models of 2010 Toyota Prius and 2010 Honda Insight cars are light on feature content. Our Insight is an LX, the leanest version of Honda's inexpensive hybrid that we've seen thus far. It still has power accessories, air-conditioning (an automatic system at that) and a CD-equipped stereo with an auxiliary jack, but it lacks staples like cruise control and stability control, and wears steel wheels. You can't knock its $20,470 price tag, though.
Our 2010 Toyota Prius is a base model, meaning it has 15-inch cast-aluminum wheels (instead of the 17s on the Touring model), halogen headlamps (instead of LEDs) and cloth interior upholstery. It also has the equivalent of the 2009 model's Package #3, which provides upgraded JBL audio and Bluetooth, but none of the other new-for-2010 Prius options like the solar panel in the roof or the self-parking system. Nevertheless, this Prius is better equipped than the Insight, though, since cruise, stability control and a keyless ignition system are standard on every 2010 Prius.
Toyota hasn't released pricing for the 2010 Prius yet, so we've pooled the sharpest data minds at Edmunds.com and come up with an estimate. If Toyota keeps prices at 2009 levels (and that's likely), this car would have a $24,220 base price. Adding the option package ($1,350), our tester should cost about $25,570. (Recent reports suggest that Toyota might drop the price on the 2010 Prius to compete better with the Insight. Even if our number is a little high, however, you'll see that it doesn't hurt the Prius in this test.)
A Hybrid for Commuting
As hybrids go, the 2010 Toyota Prius doesn't have many liabilities. Whereas the second-generation Prius offered merely passable transportation for commuters, this one feels at ease on the freeway whether you're crawling in gridlock or cruising at 75 mph.
The stiff new chassis gives Toyota's hybrid hatchback a stable and refined ride on a par with other midsize cars. Road noise is better controlled, too, at least with the standard P195/65R15 89S Yokohama Avid S33 tires. The electric-assisted power steering still lacks feedback (of any kind), but between a new rigid mounting system and extra steering caster, the wheel seems more secure in our hands, with a heightened on-center feel. The driving position still isn't perfect, but the new seat design and telescoping steering wheel are a big improvement.
Passing maneuvers were taxing in the 2009 Prius, but by dropping an Atkinson-cycle version of its ubiquitous 1.8-liter inline-4 engine into the 2010 Prius, Toyota has mostly solved that problem while raising fuel economy to boot.
Rated at 98 horsepower at 5,200 rpm and 105 pound-feet of torque at 4,000 rpm, the 1.8-liter has a meatier torque band than the old 1.5-liter, and this means it's now operating at lower rpm most of the time. Only when you hammer on the throttle on a steady uphill grade do you really hear the engine working. Notably, this gasoline engine doesn't use any power-robbing accessory belts (thanks to the use of an electric water pump) and then incorporates typical diesel engine technologies like exhaust gas recirculation and exhaust heat recovery to cut fuel consumption further.
Total system output for the 2010 Toyota Prius is 134 hp once you add the 27-kilowatt (36-hp) battery pack that powers the car's front-wheel-drive electric motor. This motor is part of a complicated transaxle that includes an additional generator motor and the planetary-type continuously variable transmission (CVT) responsible for blending the car's gasoline and electric power sources. The transaxle is 20 percent lighter for 2010, says Toyota, which reduces torque losses.
From the driver seat, we notice the transitions between all-electric and gas-electric motivation are smoother, to the point that we're scarcely aware of them during a numbing freeway commute.
The Driver's Hybrid, if Such a Thing Exists
Compared to the Prius, the 2010 Honda Insight is a lot less complex, at least in the drivetrain department. It has an eight-valve SOHC 1.3-liter inline-4 engine rated at 88 hp and 88 lb-ft of torque. It also has a CVT. Between the engine and the CVT is a small electric motor. It can't motivate the Insight on its own, but when it joins forces with the gas engine, it provides the compact front-wheel-drive hatchback with a respectable 98 hp at 5,800 rpm and 123 lb-ft of torque from 1,000-1,500 rpm.
It's a stretch to call the Insight quick, though. It takes effort and plenty of revs to maintain speed on a mountain pass. To its credit, the engine is not unpleasant to the ear, and the CVT responds quickly to changing throttle demands. The blending of gas and electric power is seamless enough, but the car feels jerky coming out of idle from a stop.
Yet, you want to forgive any accelerative shortcomings when you realize that the 2010 Honda Insight has genuine steering feel — something we'd forgotten could ever exist in a hybrid. In addition, the suspension is tuned so you feel some connection to the car's P175/65R15 84S Dunlop SP31 tires and the asphalt under them.
Of course, if you start making real demands on the Insight on some twisty road, it brushes you back with understeer and body roll. At a sane pace, though, it's an unexpectedly personable hybrid car. An ergonomic driving position, complete with three-spoke wheel, puts you in the mood to befriend it.
The downside to this approach is that an afternoon commute in the 2010 Honda Insight is not entirely relaxed. Like every inexpensive Honda of the last half-century, it rides firmly and has lots of road noise.
Unlikely Track Star
As much as we like the way the Honda Insight drives, it can't fend off the 2010 Toyota Prius at our instrumented testing facility. It earns the higher slalom speed (60.9 mph versus 59.1 mph), but only because the Prius' stability control can't be switched off.
On the skid pad, the Toyota exploits its wider tires to deliver 0.78g of cornering grip to the Insight's 0.75g. The Prius is also 10 feet better than the Insight in braking — 118 feet versus 128 feet — and with four-wheel discs, it's less susceptible to fade.
There's also a big gap between the 0-60-mph times of these hybrid hatchbacks, as the Prius gets to 60 mph from a standstill in 10.1 seconds (or 9.7 seconds with 1 foot of rollout as on a drag strip), while the Insight needs 10.9 seconds (or 10.5 seconds with 1 foot of rollout).
As evidence of the Honda's fighting spirit, though, it narrows the gap by the quarter-mile mark. The Prius goes through in 17.3 seconds at 79.7 mph, while the Insight is there in 17.9 seconds at 78.2 mph.
The MPG Gap Shrinks
More interesting is what happens when we take the hybrids on a 115-mile test of fuel economy. Circumstances kept us from using our customary suburban loop in Southern California, so instead we improvised a route that's approximately 60 percent highway.
This approach tends to favor the 2010 Honda Insight, which sees its best mileage on the highway, based on the EPA rating of 40 mpg city/43 mpg highway/41 mpg combined that Honda predicts for it. In contrast, the 2010 Toyota Prius sees its best mileage in low-speed city driving, where it can scoot along in all-electric mode. Its EPA rating predicted by Toyota is 51 mpg city/48 mpg highway/50 mpg combined.
Even so, we expect the Toyota Prius to have a major advantage, since by the numbers, it's the more fuel-efficient car. During our drive, we call a moratorium on wide-open throttle, sync up use of the automatic climate control and the "Eco" modes of these CVTs, and charge one editor with a steady hand to take on the task of refueling.
Final score? Insight: 51.2 mpg. Prius: 52.2 mpg.
Different Kinds of Bargains
So the 2010 Honda Insight LX is nearly as fuel-efficient as the 2010 Toyota Prius, at least in our unofficial real-world test. It also costs $5,100 less. And we like how it drives, so much so that it's the unanimous personal pick of everyone involved in this test.
Yet the 2010 Toyota Prius wins this comparison by 7.6 points, because it's the better of these two hybrids. It's quicker, it stops shorter and, with its smoother ride quality and quieter cabin, it's the one you want to be in when you're commuting. In the right hypermiling hands, it will probably return better fuel mileage, too. The Prius is also a bigger car with a backseat that fits real adults, plus a hatch that will let you load a Labrador.
A hard look at the true costs of hybrid car ownership will likely lead you to conclude that the 2010 Honda Insight is the more sensible choice, simply because you can buy a lot of gas with the money you save. (By our math, you'd have to put more than 580,000 miles on a 2010 Prius to make up the difference.) Although this argument might appeal to your inner economist, it doesn't get at the day-to-day reality of living with these hybrids.
Sure, the 2010 Honda Insight might be cheaper and a little more fun, but for 95 percent of your motoring existence, the more practical 2010 Toyota Prius awaits, ready to serve your every commuting need. It also happens to be the more iconic of these two cars, and regardless of what anyone tells you, image matters when you're living with a hybrid.
Source: edmunds Inside Line